GTi Energy

GTI Energy hits the ground running with Thor ISR uranium drilling

The results to date meet the company’s expectations for economic ISR uranium recovery and confirm the historical data it’s using to guide the program. GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR) is off to a strong start in the hunt for uranium at the Thor in-situ recovery (ISR) prospect in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin.

GTI Energy sells Niagara Gold Project to Regener8 as part of IPO deal

GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR) welcomes the news that spin-off Regener8 Resources NL has closed its IPO, having raised $4.5 million. This signals the conclusion of a deal with the new ASX-lister to acquire GTI’s gold holding, the Niagara Gold Project in WA, upon its debut, with shares in Regener8 forming part of the sale terms.

GTI Energy readies for 100,000-foot Wyoming ISR uranium drill program in July

GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR)’s Bruce Lane speaks to preparations for roughly 100,000 feet of drilling at the company’s in-situ recovery (ISR) uranium projects in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin. Around 40,000 feet of follow-up drilling will commence in July at the Thor project in the northeast corner before maiden drilling kicks off at the nearby Wicket, Teebo, Odin and Loki projects.

GTI Energy’ shareholders offered priority on Regener8 Resources IPO

GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR) is offloading its non-uranium assets, one of which is the Kookynie Gold Project to be acquired by Regener8 Resources during that company’s listing to the ASX.

Regener8 has made a priority offer to GTR shareholders in tandem with the lodging of a prospectus with ASIC to raise up to $5.5 million for its initial public offering (IPO).

GTI Energy is divesting non-core assets to focus on its highly prospective uranium assets in the US while retaining a material shareholding and board representation in a well-funded entity (Regerner8) focused on gold exploration in Western Australia.

GTI Energy adds to US uranium portfolio with Green Mountain acquisition and A$5 million raise

GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR) will pick up nearly 14,000 acres worth of contiguous ISR uranium exploration claims in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin.

The claims neighbour mining stalwart Rio Tinto’s uranium properties and will increase GTI’s landholding in the region to around 35,000 acres.

To support its endeavours in the uranium basin, GTI intends to raise A$5 million via a placement.