GTi Energy


  • 20+ years of global mineral exploration, project development & commercial
    experience, incl a significant track record in ISR uranium through the entire project
    life cycle

  • Uranium experience includes senior technical roles with Uranium Resources Inc. and
    Strathmore Minerals Corp, and industry consultant as a Principal with SRK. Most
    recently he was V.P. Technical Services for Sweetwater Royalties LLC, the largest
    private landowner in Wyoming

  • Previously provided technical &managerial expertise to several ISR uranium projects
    including, Cameco’s Smith Ranch–Highland, Encore’s Rosita central processing plant
    & wellfield, Laramide’s Churchrock and Encore’s Dewey-Burdock

  • Matt adds increased commercial & technical leadership of GTI’s interests in the US
    which will allow the company to more aggressively pursue its project development
    and commercialisation plans including strategic partnership opportunities
“I’m excited to be joining GTI to lead the company’s US operations. Activity in the uranium sector has increased significantly over the past year and the US is poised to return to meaningful uranium production in the near-term. GTI’s projects are extremely well located within 100 miles of 7 permitted ISR uranium facilities in Wyoming which is a very supportive state with

a long history of uranium production. Over the past three years GTI has established itself in Wyoming and has assembled a portfolio of compelling uranium projects that would suggest the company is undervalued in the current US$100 per pound uranium market. I look forward to further developing GTI’s assets in the US & advancing the Lo Herma project towards a preliminary economic assessment.” 

Matt Hartmann
President Of US Operations

“We are very pleased that Matt has agreed to join the team after having worked with us in the past. Matts skills and experience, particularly with ISR uranium in Wyoming, are a great fit for GTI as we look to accelerate the growth and development of our Wyoming ISR uranium resources. I have no doubt that Matt’s experience, skills and network in both the technical and commercial arenas will contribute very positively to our efforts to grow GTI into a significant US uranium company.”
Bruce Lane
Executive Director