Airborne Geophysics for Green Mountain in April & Maiden Uranium Resource for Great Divide Basin on Track for End of March.


  • Extensive airborne geophysical survey to commence in April 2023 at the Green
    Mountain Uranium Projects in Wyoming
  • Recent analysis of historical drilling and follow-up ground reconnaissance confirms
    the presence of uranium mineralisation located in the Battle Springs formation which
    is known to host ISR amenable mineralisation
  • The survey is designed to advance and prioritise high priority exploration targets
  • Drilling of high priority targets at Green Mountain scheduled for the 2nd half of 2023
  • GTI is on track to deliver a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for its Great Divide
    Basin project by the end of Q1 2023
“GTI sees this airborne geophysical survey as an important next step in advancing our 100% owned Green 
Mountain Uranium Project. The airborne survey follows the results of our recent historical drilling analysis 
and ground reconnaissance programs that highlighted high-quality exploration targets. This survey is a
crucial step to further refine and confirm drill targets ahead of anticipated drilling during the second half of 2023.”
Bruce Lane
Executive Director

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