Investor Presentation October 2024, Rights Underwriting Complete & Uranium Market News
The latest GTi Energy Investor Presentation and an update on news from around the Uranium market.
Company Activity Update & Uranium in the News
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) is pleased to advise that the final phase of its 2024 drilling campaign
will commence in late October to drill and construct 3 hydrogeologic and water monitoring wells
Latest Lo Herma Drilling Confirms Deeper Mineralised Trends
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) advises that the 73 resource development drill holes planned
for 2024 have now been completed at its 100% owned Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project
Drilling Success Expands Mineralised Trends at Lo Herma
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) is pleased to advise that a total of 66 mud rotary drill holes
have now been completed at its 100% owned Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project
Positive Start to Lo Herma Drilling ISR Uranium Project
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) is pleased to advise that the first 3 days of drilling were completed last week at its 100% owned Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project (Lo Herma),
GTI Activities Report, June Quarter 2024 & Supplementary Prospectus
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) is pleased to report on its activities during the June quarter 2024.
Membership Granted to the Uranium Producers of America
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or the Company) is pleased to advise that it has been accepted as a member of the Uranium Producers Of America (UPA), the peak industry lobbying and representative body for the uranium sector in the US. UPA is a national trade association representing domestic uranium mining, conversion, and enrichment companies within […]
Entitlement Issue Prospectus
GTi Energy Limited – Entitlement Issue Prospectus
Lo Herma Resource Drilling Permitted – Rig Mobilising to Site
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) is pleased to provide an update on the upcoming resource expansion drilling program at the Lo Herma ISR uranium project in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin (PRB).
Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project – Resource Drilling Funded
GTI Energy Ltd (GTI or Company) is pleased to provide an update on the upcoming resource expansion drilling program at the Lo Herma ISR uranium project in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin (PRB).